Ora basta!






– Non vi è bastato stravolgere il clima, sfruttare e rovinare risorse e tutto l’ambiente naturale, creare disuguaglianze e crescente ingiustizia sociale!

– Prima con la guerra Russia/Ucraina, e ora anche col conflitto Israele/Hamas e Hezbollah che sta comportando la distruzione dell’intero popolo palestinese, siete riusciti a portare l’intera Umanità a pochi secondi dal rischio dell’olocausto atomico!


Leggi tutto “Ora basta!”

Berlusconi manda all’aria l’Italia. Che pensare, cosa fare

Noi italiani, noi tutti, di qualunque colore politico, ricchi, poveri, di cultura, analfabeti, religiosi, atei … tutti noi, sveglia! Non possiamo fare, da oggi, la solita vita fatta fino a ieri: è successo ciò che non lo consente, che non ci consente di farci ancora scivolare addosso gli eventi e continuare, sconsolati o indifferenti e inermi, a cercare rifugio nella nostra routine quotidiana.

Leggi tutto “Berlusconi manda all’aria l’Italia. Che pensare, cosa fare”

Unità d’Italia, diversità e disuguaglianze, aspirazioni secessioniste


La ricorrenza dell’unità d’Italia e l’atteggiamento assunto nell’occasione da molti esponenti della Lega ha indotto gli italiani, ancora una volta, a domandarsi se sussista effettivamente l’unità, come popolo e nazione; o se invece, date le diversità e le disuguaglianze esistenti, l’Italia non sia solo una espressione geografica  e siano giustificate e legittime le aspirazioni alla secessione, dimostrate apertamente dai leghisti con atteggiamenti significativi, giunti al punto di prendere le distanze dalla bandiera dell’Italia.

Leggi tutto “Unità d’Italia, diversità e disuguaglianze, aspirazioni secessioniste”

Giustizia – responsabilità dei magistrati

La legge 117/88 dispone la responsabilità civile del magistrato per “dolo o colpa grave”; la nuova proposta vorrebbe sostituire la normativa prevedendo che la responsabilità scatti per “violazione manifesta del diritto”.

Chi propone la modifica sostiene che la formula esistente rende difficile l’azione di responsabilità, essendo di difficile prova l’elemento soggettivo del dolo o della colpa grave, come comprovato dal numero insignificante di azioni finora proposte e di condanne. Coloro che si oppongono alla modifica, e fra questi anche parte della magistratura, rilevano l’eccessiva genericità della nuova formula, che pertanto si risolverebbe in una sorta di intimidazione capace di rendere il magistrato insicuro e privo della serenità e dell’autonomia di cui dovrebbe disporre.

Leggi tutto “Giustizia – responsabilità dei magistrati”


Quest’anno la festa delle donne ha assunto rilevanza e qualità grazie anche alla loro recente discesa in piazza che, rivolta alla riconquista della ferita dignità, aveva dato il segno della loro grande capacità di mobilitazione trasversale e di intervento politico contro le varie forme di discriminazione.

Perciò l’8 marzo ha avuto enorme partecipazione ed entusiasmo, le rivendicazioni sono state molte, altrettanti i propositi espressi, dichiarata e determinata la volontà di costituire un movimento apartitico che mantenga attiva nei confronti delle istituzioni la rivendicazione di libertà e uguaglianza contro le persistenti discriminazioni di genere.



La cacciata dei dittatori, alla ricerca di libertà, giustizia sociale e democrazia, moti travolgenti e contagiosi, germogliati nella “base” della società civile e da questa condotti con gravi sacrifici, anche di vite umane, costituisce anche un momento di disordine, di incertezze e di contraddizioni, come accade in ogni crisi evolutiva.


L’onda rivoluzionaria in Africa

L’inevitabile passo storico che nel cammino evolutivo delle collettività umane rifiuta la dittatura e chiede democrazia e giustizia sociale è in corso di realizzazione in Africa e Medio Oriente.

Le domande che si pongono, per noi che siamo oltre: l’evento costituisce un problema, gravido di rischi, oppure un fatto positivo, occasione da cogliere? Dobbiamo stare a guardare o intervenire?

Leggi tutto “L’onda rivoluzionaria in Africa”

Consistent behaviour is possibile, right now


Not all types of behaviour – as for some of them are missing (and we have to create) the external conditions – but much can be done, to be, in the meantime, consistent with the “better world” we want to shape.
In my book there is a call for it on pages 59-67. I have re-read it, and what I have written there seems to me right and persuasive – please read it. It is relevant, so worth to be read, also what is published on pages 19-29 on “forces and laws in nature” and “human nature”.
Here I first want to recall the need for the individual to be consistent with the values he would like to see achieved outside himself and consequentely assume them in his own behaviour; moreover, by briefly recalling the concerning sectors, I aim to stress those situations that actually hinder the adoption of the “best” behaviour and on which civil society is called to intervene.
Suggested behaviour is about “his/her person”, physical and mental health of each individual, “nature”, need to respect it and use it in a sustainable way, “the others”, the rules for a fair and peaceful inter-relationship.
As far health of people is concerned, beside obvious suggestions of healthy choices in quality and quantity of food, proper health checks, rejection of poisoning excess of alcohol, tobacco and drugs, a particular call goes to those young people who meet the current vacuum and uncertainty of the future with the contempt of life, which therefore jeopardize by performing actions sold for acts of boldness and athleticism.

To those yooung people, as well as to all those who – lost and disoriented – react with forms of lawlessness and violence due to a society that fails to convey values and guaranties, goes my hope that the same civil society which wants to shape a better world could approach them, by giving them values and hopes and by inducing them to join and act so that the world becomes their world.

But hope is not enough – we must assume accomplished tasks, which must be held in mind to determine not only consistent behaviour on every occasion but also suggestions and initiatives, so that “Civil Authority” could develop them in a practical and effective way.

Sport is widely recommended to everyone, of all ages. For young people it is undoubtedly useful in many ways; it appropriately gives vent to energies, encourages care for health and healthy behaviours, distracts from inappropriate acquaintances, fosters fair and controlled competition.

This is essentially produced by the commitment to a sport. Among sports, those that are practiced outdoor, at natural light have the plus of the psychophysical benefit offered by natural lightbath and fresh air. I can offer a direct evidence for it as I am a runner (former marathon runner) now with good results on the track. That is why I do not feel sympathy for gyms, where individuals, each one isolated from the others and attached to a machine, work indoor rushing in an endless and monotonous repetition of one gesture aimed to pump up a muscle. I believe that the requirement of appearance, exhibition – today felt at the expense of what you really are, has determined the luck of these gyms.

I would rather prefer gymnastics, on the other hand a necessary complement to any sport; I recommend to practice it with a oriental spirit, i.e. with that concentration that follows the movements and the body parts which are related to them. So one learns to feel and know his/her body and to adjust positions and efforts to what it suggests.

To avoid that my post becomes hypertrophic, at risk of discouraging its reading, I have limited myself to write about conducts in relation to physical health. I will look at others later. Meanwhile, I look forward to comments, suggestions and initiatives.

Piazza Grande – eng.



Many authoritative  people have more and more suggested the need for civil society to mobilize and organize itself in order to influence politics to remove the stagnation and the increasing environmental degradation and the social exclusion.

The article “Scandalous injustice” (published on “Il Sole 24 Ore  September 5)refers the essential content of a recent book by prof. Tomas Pogge, a philosopher at the highest political  level in the world regarding the theme of “global justice”. According to the author of the book, a serious injustice, ethically scandalous, is reached in relation  to reach and poor countries of the planet. The cause of the persistence of this situation is attributable to the political will of reach countries. In fact, says the philosopher, these are the controllers of the powerful international institutions like WTO, the IMF  and the World Bank, while today there are, among other things, enough resources  to intervene and remove the most severe poverty.

On “la Repubblica”, September 6, it reported the thought of Ulrich Beck, sociologist of international value, expressed in a recent book on the theme of power in the global age.

 The globalization in act, according to the sociologist, has removed substantial meaning  and significance  to the distinction between national and international ambits. The political world , still organized by countries, is unable to give answers and  to express political leadership on the economy which, with the globalization, has reached a worldwide level. It follows that the politics may induce the capital to a system that includes freedom, global justice, security and environmental conservation only when it will mature, in each one and in the worldwide contest, a political and intellectual opening which will allow awareness of the current modernity and of the need  to take into account  the point of view, of the others.

The same newspaper  “la Repubblica” in an article of September 13, publishes excerpts of  the “lesson on democracy” held by Gustavo Zagrebelsky, former president of the Constitutional Court, a lawyer  president of “Freedom and Justice”. It is highlighted  as it is not sufficient to merely adopt formal democratic structures whereas substantially the power of the numbers is used to create a society essentially undemocratic. Despite the existence of democratic structures, it is certainly not a democratic society the one in which discrimination and inequality encourage citizens “that can” to the detriment of the poorest in areas that qualify the social condition such as the distribution of wealth, occupation, education, health care. These realities in turn generate disaffection of the people toward participation, anti-political feelings, and even resentment against democracy and a dangerous openness to populism. It is so that the enormous potential that lies in civil society in terms of interest in political participation and free and spontaneous offer of expertise and resources, is rejected by the constituted powers in defence of the acquired  positions and  for the fear that an opening to civil society can undermine these positions. The author concludes that the civil society should become “something” in the political order.

In the newspaper “Il fatto quotidiano on November 4, Paolo Flores d-Arcais, philosopher, journalist, director of the magazine Micro Mega, in an article entitled Piazza Grande notes that the substantial  inertia of politics and the prevailing party power create unconcern and anti politics in the citizens. He as well, as a solution, shows that, especially in Italy, the civil society is full of basic experiences on democracy with its  Target based movements,  every type of clubs, voluntary work, local association and various political initiatives. He says that these could be able to react against the constituted power conservative selfishness. Nevertheless it necessary that all these experiences connect themselves so to become operational. They should  connect into a  “permanent  forum”, achieve a common heritage of their experiences and identify priority  policy measures to support through a possible “common candidature of the civil society coalition for the primaries”.

So, from these reflections it comes, in short, that the established political power is not responding to the challenges posed by modernity. It appears that this is due, within the States, to the territorial limitation of the political powers, in comparison with the market and the economical power global mobility. Within  the institutions provided with international powers it exists  the possibility, at least in terms of resources, to work with innovative policies which  solve the most serious aspects of social injustice. Nevertheless this is not implemented for lack of political will and for selfish interest aimed at maintaining the privileges, and the existing powers, not only the economic ones. Once again the inability and inaction of the politics create increasing inequality, social injustice at all level, alienation of citizen from participation, anti politic feelings, populism, and depletion of the enormous potential of democratic participation, voluntarism and contribution from the civil society. The conclusion of the mentioned authors is that the way of salvation lies in giving confidence and active functions to this potential. But it is also pointed out that the civil society, in order to overcome the resistance and  to gain  importance, must coordinate all the actual different manifestations and potentialities into  a permanent laboratory, complex inside but unified in its external expressions, able to identify prior programmatic measures to be supported by common application also inside political coalitions and  elections.

These remarks and these reflections indicated by the over mentioned  writing and by other authoritative leaders, are the same reasons which prompted me to write the book “From crises to a better world, with the civil society”. In it, once outlined the “better world” (pag. 38/54), as suggested by the meditations on the needs and possibilities which today are posed to save  the ambient and the dignity of the social life (pages 19/26) it is indicated as inescapable need, the innovative intervention of the civil society. But the extension of this intervention is not limited within each State, as the interdependence, the globalization in act and the consequent global relevance of many problems, require the innovative intervention to be implemented  in a global frame. Furthermore it is indicated the necessity that the operational connection of all the potential forces of civil society takes shape in an organized structure which get to be recognized and institutionalized for its duties (“Civil Authority” pages 94/115). At the same time it is also pointed out that this “civil authority” should maintain itself  distinct and autonomous in relation to the political powers, in order not to be confused with  the institutions on which it must use a power of advice, conditioning and control. An independence necessary to avoid that the natural resistance of  political powers against the interference of civil society may succeed through the reception and metabolism of its most active subjects; furthermore, an independence aimed at keeping the integrity of the democratic system, in which the civil authority may carry out a dialectic contribution without pretension of replacing the political parties or imposing its priorities to the whole community.

The book, which can be downloaded  from this site, suggests the intervention of the civil society according to a path designed in conformity with the posed values and the evidenced goals. This site is offered as an instrument  to favour the connection, the identification , elaboration and actuation of concrete programs.



La necessità che la società civile si mobiliti e si organizzi per condizionare la politica a rimuovere l’immobilismo e il crescente degrado ambientale e sociale è evidenziata e suggerita da voci sempre più ricorrenti e autorevoli.

L’articolo “Scandalosa ingiustizia” (quotidiano “Il Sole 24 ore” del 5 settembre scorso) riferisce il contenuto essenziale di un recente libro del prof. Thomas Pogge, filosofo politico che tratta ai massimi livelli mondiali il tema della “global justice”. L’articolo evidenzia come, secondo l’autore del libro, l’ingiustizia sociale raggiunga una gravità eticamente scandalosa nei rapporti tra paesi ricchi e paesi poveri del pianeta e come la causa e la persistenza di tale situazione siano attribuibili alla volontà politica dei paesi ricchi. Infatti, afferma il filosofo, sono questi i controllori delle potenti istituzioni internazionali quali il Wto, il Fmi e la Banca Mondiale e, tra l’altro, oggi esisterebbero le risorse per intervenire e rimuovere la povertà più grave.

La necessità che la società civile si mobiliti e si organizzi per condizionare la politica a rimuovere l’immobilismo e il crescente degrado ambientale e sociale è evidenziata e suggerita da voci sempre più ricorrenti e autorevoli.

L’articolo “Scandalosa ingiustizia” (quotidiano “Il Sole 24 ore” del 5 settembre scorso) riferisce il contenuto essenziale di un recente libro del prof. Thomas Pogge, filosofo politico che tratta ai massimi livelli mondiali il tema della “global justice”. L’articolo evidenzia come, secondo l’autore del libro, l’ingiustizia sociale raggiunga una gravità eticamente scandalosa nei rapporti tra paesi ricchi e paesi poveri del pianeta e come la causa e la persistenza di tale situazione siano attribuibili alla volontà politica dei paesi ricchi. Infatti, afferma il filosofo, sono questi i controllori delle potenti istituzioni internazionali quali il Wto, il Fmi e la Banca Mondiale e, tra l’altro, oggi esisterebbero le risorse per intervenire e rimuovere la povertà più grave.  

Leggi tutto ““PIAZZA GRANDE””